THE FRIENDS OF CORNING COMMUNITY COLLEGE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DONALD H. HANGEN PRESIDENT THE FACULTY OF THE CORNING COMMUNITY COLLEGE THE REVEREND CLERGY THE BENEFACTORS OF THE COLLEGE THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE ALUMNI ARE INVITED BY THE CANDIDATES FOR CERTIFICATES AND DEGREES TO THE CEREMONIES OF COMMENCEMENT ON THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF MAY IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO This year will mark Corning Community College’s twenty-fifth year of service to the community. A second milestone will be reached with the conferring of the 10,000th degree. To our many past graduates, we say thank you for setting an example of service and commitment to the growth and development of our area. We look with assurance to the Class of ’82 that they, too, will make their contribution, using the Corning Community College experience as a foundation. Donald H. Hangen President ALMA MATER From far and near we’ve come together Joined in spirit, hand and heart, Forming friendships time won’t sever, With our college leading ever, As the search for truth we start. To Spencer’s crest, And Corning’s height We loft her colors, Red and white And what she taught, Will be our light. TWENTY-THIRD COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO SEVEN O’CLOCK CORNING COMMUNITY COLLEGE GYMNASIUM Presiding Officer Dr. Vincent J. Sementilli Chairman, Board of Trustees Processional Festal March Scotson Clark James Emerson Morse Organist Mace Bearer Walter R. Smith Marshals — Beverly A. Beebe, James L. Chapman, Judith H. Clovsky, Michael J. Gilmartin, Joseph J. Hanak, Mary Gail Lee, Anita B. Ogden, Lester L. Rosenbloom, William P. Thompson Invocation The Rev. Philip Billotte Catholic Chaplain Corning Community College The National Anthem Call to Order Joseph J. Hanak Chairman of the Faculty “This convocation will have order” Greeting Dr. Vincent ]. Sementilli Dr. Dale R. Wexell Chairman, Board of Trustees President, The Board of Education Opening Remarks Dr. Donald H. Hangen President Presentation of Candidates for Certificates and Degrees Dr. Gunars Reimanis Dean of Instruction “Candidates, draw near ...” Awarding of Certificates and Conferring of Degrees “Being invested by the Board of Trustees of Corning Community College, the Trustees of the State University of New York and the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York with power and authority, and upon recommendation of your faculty, I . . .” Dr. Donald H. Hangen President Program Honors John W. Kelley Joseph J. Hanak Dean of Student Services Chairman of the Faculty Farewell Remarks Terry Cannon-Wallace Student Trustee Closing Remarks Dr. Donald H. Hangen President Musical Selections No Bird Alan Dorsey Fa una canzone Orazio Vecchi Alma Mater Benediction Corning Community College Chorus The Rev. David T. P. Perrin Minister, Friendship Baptist Church Recessional Belgian March Alan Whitson The audience is requested to be seated until the academic procession has quit the hall The music before today’s Commencement Exercises was furnished by the Corning Community College Brass Quintet. The Alumni of the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Two and The Guests of the Convocation are invited to attend the Reception honoring the Graduates tendered by Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Hangen at The Commons immediately following the ceremonies CERTIFICATES May 28, 1982 GENERAL OFFICE STUDIES SECRETARIAL STUDIES Sandra Ann Dennis Rosemary Catherine Mitchell Carolyn Louise Stoddard Susan H. Jorgensen* Elaine Kursar* Carolyn D. Piersons Roberta A. Watson DRAFTING Bertha Louise Buck DATA PROCESSING STUDIES Stephen H. Carley Kevin Thomas Carpenter Sandra Diane Chambers Jeffrey Paul Barr Dennis Joseph Caso Kevin Harold Glover* Edna Kathryn Poovey Compton* *T Stephen Lee Herbert Bridget Jean Connelly Douglas G. Cook* Raymond L. Cook Michael John Dinkins Thomas Charles Gallagher* Tamera Lynn Hollander Christine Elizabeth Holmes Phyllis Marie Rossettie Terry Leo Grabinski Jeannette Marie Haight Bonita Lorraine Hazard NUMERICAL CONTROL PROGRAMMING Peter Anton Hess* Charles A. Houpt Mark Daniel Huff Thomas P. McGrath Dana Patrick Neumire Caroline Theresa Prinzivalli April E. Randall* Donald Michael Scalia Gary Michael Vecellio* Brian J. Warfle Barbara Jean Watts Harland E. Webster Donna Craig Yearick Arnold Ross Champlain t Pennon Bearer * With Distinction * * With Highest Distinction CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES Alison Lynne Albee Cynthia Marlene Alford* Barbara Jean Allington Anna M. Ambrogi* Patricia Anne Amidon Helen S. Amorosi David Kent Anderson* Tammi Jo Anderson David M. Andreine David Leon Andrews Allan Larue Antes Diane Marie Auckland Ruth B. Bailey Cynthia I. Baker * David P. Baker Henry Axtell Barkley Santina Louise Basham Kim Eugene Batulis Karen Sue Baumgartner Beth C. Benedict Kevin Daniel Bentley Leslie J. Bird* Darlene Dolores Bonadonna* Kelly Lee Bowdy Amy Louise Brandes David D. Briggs Elizabeth Rose Brill Mark R. Brinthaupt III Donna Jean Brusso Robert M. Bunt Brian James Burgio Kathy Jean Bush* Carol Lee Busher* Robert S. Campbell* Terry L. Cannon-Wallace Michael Paul Carey Barbara Lea Carr Thomas Anthony Caruso Linda J. Case* Paul Thomas Castellana Lisa Marie Cavallaro May 28, 1982 ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE Paul Gregory Chalk Rhoda J. Childs* Samuel Fred Chilson, Jr. James Robert Cleary Jo Ann Marie Coccho Melissa Anne Colacino Gregory Stuart Cole John Prosser Cole Frederick Leroy Collins Leslie Wightman Comfort Lorri K. Compton* Michael Stan Congdon Tracy B. Connell* Cheryll Lynn Cordier Eva Jane Cornish Diana Lin Cotter Gwen Elizabeth Co veil* Wayne Kenneth Cox, Jr. Regina Bernadette Crane Robert A. Creath Brett Alexander Crosby Holly Carey Crosby Marvin Crosby Deborah June Cruise* Mary Jean Cuda Theresa Bridget Cullen Joseph Francis D’Abbracci Scott D. Dallas Joanne McGuinn DallePezze* Donna Marie Damboise Shane David Davis Wesley Scott Dean Emila Maria DeMichele Jay Robert Densberger Wayne E. Dickerman Lisa Ann Dolley Patrick Francis Donnelly Barbara Frances Dunlap Mary Ann Edmister Carolyn S. Emmick Karen L. Erway Mark Nunzio Fiorillo George Grant Fisher Craig Richard Fleming* Michael David Ford Melvin Perry French Jeffrey McKay Genung* Deborah Murray Gerard Deborah Lynn Giambo Raymond John Giammichele Frank George Giragosian Joseph Patrick Gizzi Kevin Harold Glover* Norlene Goncarovs Kevin William Gorton Ruth Elizabeth Gray Kathryn Ann Grover Kathyn C. Haber Nancy L. Hague* Randy Lee Haight Shawn Leslie Halligan* John H. Hayth* Lynn Pesesky Henry* Kim Michelle Henson James Tierney Hill, Jr. Donald A. Hodge Dirk Karl Hoekstra* Richard Paul Holton Vincent Howard Houghtaling Barry Edward James Philip Alan Jeffery Timothy Joseph Jennings* Elizabeth Ann Johnson James Johnson* Donna H. Johnston Raymond Paul Jones Nanette Lynn Jourden* Joseph Martin Kacoyannakis John Robert Kaiser * With Distinction CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES May 28, 1982 ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE Susan Ellen Kania Joseph Benedict Keagle Heidi L. Keith Margaret Mary Kelly* Judi A. Kennedy Frank Joseph Kerbein John William Killigrew Julie Ann King* Tami Lin Kline Richard Leo Kopacko Margaret Anne Kornuszko* ** James Michael Kucko Harry Joseph Lagonegro II Kathryn G. Landes Carol Judith Lima Kelly Ann Lonergan* Patrick Joseph Losito* Rajkumar Bernard Louisnathan Karen Ann Love joy Daniel Braucht Luce Ronald Scott Luedeman Anne Barbara Lutomski Cathy Jean Makitra Daniel Joseph Mandell, Jr. Charles Marini Timothy Charles Markle John Jude Martuscello Carol Ann Martz Theresa A. Mashanic Peter John Masse Suzanne Carol McConnell Mary Louise McKee Sister Janet Elizabeth Meeker Harvey Francis Miller Melissa A. Miller Mark Montanarella Thomas Owen Murphy Lynn Georgia Myfelt Elizabeth Irene Nares Susan Kae Novak Thomas Leo Obuck Tamara Marie Oliver Cathy Jane Overholts Michael Gerald Pass Bimal Pathak* Lee Marie Patterson Andrew Lawrence Pauls Johnny Paz Rita Joy Peters Michael Lawrence Petsky Thomas Joseph Phillips Michael James Post Jeffrey Alan Powers* Andrew Alan Pyska Thomas Timothy Quigley Veronica K. Ranck* Ray William Rapalee Martha Rawcliffe Elaine Marie Riffle Willard Samuel Riker III Louis Rios Shelley Kay Robinson Virginia Beth Rockefeller * Linda Sue Ross Nancy Lynne Rossettie Nancy Ann Rotsell Mary Joan Sadlowski Richard George Sadlowski, Sr. Joseph Edward Sartori Debra Savino Diane Savino John G. Savino Lisa Ellen Elaine Shepard Brian Keith Shongo Timothy Scott Simonson* Thomas Albert Sirp Amy Lynn Smith* *t Frederica Susan Smith John Robert Sorgenfrei Mark Robert Sozanski* Jeffrey Steven Squires Alison Marie Stachowski Richard Jacob Steinert, Jr. Belinda Jean Stoddard Kevin Michael Sullivan Paul Kevin Sweeney Mary Ellen Taft John Michael Telehany Victor Hugo Torres John Francis Trifoso Darryl Turner Roy K. Vanderhoef Scott Eric Vang Richard Fleming Vargo Teal Joanne Versage Dale Everett Vondracek Jeanette G. Waller Douglas John Warriner Delia Mae Webster Kelly Ann Wester Kittie M. (Perna) Westervelt David Kenneth Wheeler* Theresa M. White Leandra S. Willis John R. Wisor Stephen Harold Youngstrom f Pennon Bearer * With Distinction * * With Highest Distinction * * * With Distinction in the Honors Program CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES May 28, 1982 ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE Michael Walter Agan Anthony John Agosta* W. Michael Alderson* Scott William Aldrich Dianne Evett Alleman Patricia Ann Allen Anna M. Ambrogi* Brenda Leigh Anderson James Gary Anderson* Dana R. Andrews Kenneth Louis Andrus Lisa Marie Arondelli Maria H. Augustine Mary Ruth Austin Theresa Jo Austin Ruth B. Bailey Jay Coburn Baldwin Yvonne M. Bamonti Glenn Alan Banfield* Mark Edwin Bardeen Carol Lee Barnette Brenda S. Barlett* Margaret S. Bartow* Marvella S. Bates Peter Andrew Batrowny Deborah Rose Bauman Jeannine Benson Beardslee* Priscilla M. BeGell Donald Thomas Benedict, Jr. Richard Lee Berry Richard E. Billman* Kim Joseph Blackwell Janice Arlene Bliss* Jody Todd Bliss Brenda Elaine Bolar Robertson D. Booth* Mark Antony Borriello Vicki J. Bowen Domenica C. Brace* Helen B. Bradshaw Barbara K. Bravo Gayle Dawn Brewster Deborah Lynne Brinkhus* Cynthia Ann Brockway* Bonnie Susan Brown* Daniel Paul Brown David Alan Brown Dorothy Ann Brown Kim Marie Brownell Karen Lynn Bruielly Thomas R. Burgess Cindy Jean Burgio Renee Ann Burris Ardath M. Callahan* Susan Marie Callahan Lon Eric Campbell Raymond Francis Carapella Rose M. Carle Martin James Carlineo Karen Louise Carlson* Sharyll Novidor Carlson* Todd Mathew Carpenter Shirley Marie Chamberlain Penny Marie Champlin Margery S. Chen* Scott Jay Chilson Ralph Francis Chirico Louis Albert Cicconi Bruce Raymond Clark Carlton Leslie Clark David Emerson Clark Debra Dominque Clark Joyce M. Clark* Michele Ruth Clark Donald J. Claypool Patricia Ann Cobb Regina A. Cobb David Richard Collins Frederick Leroy Collins Leslie Wightman Comfort Mitchell Todd Cook Erika Lina Coover Michael Steven Cornell Phyllis May Coveil Shawn Patrick Creighton Maureen F. Cross Ernfred A. Crusade* Steven H. Dates Kathryn Ann Davis Kevin Earl Davis William Robert Dawson Charlene Dawn Dayton Laurie Mae Deats Fana Debebe Bertha F. DeBerandinis James Frederick Decker John Daniel DeHaas A. Mario DeMichele Eileen Bertha Dempsey Mark Todd DePue Theresa M. DeRico Rosemary Dewert Wayne E. Dickerman Cheryl-ann B. Dolliver Martha Jean Donnells Jacqueline Anne Doughty Alan David Draht Wendy S. Drake Judith Ann Drew Eugene Robert Dunn Diana Marie Durfey Marjorie L. Edberg Caren Duffy Ekenstierna*** Kimberly Ann Emmick Christine Marie Ennis Karen L. Erway Brian Walter Everts Eileen Marie Fanning* Vernon V. Farrand Jacqueline Sue Farwell Janice Belle Farwell Lori Frances Faucett Regan Walter Faught Julia Cleary Feldmann David William Fitzgerald Kimberly Carol Flahive Helen Emilie Fogarty Mary Hilda Fowler Audrey Ann Freeman * With Distinction * * * With Distinction in the Honors Program CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES May 28, 1982 ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE Angela Louise Fuller Cindy Joy Fuller Jeffrey Alan Gallo Anne Marie Gehl Elizabeth Anne Gettys Thomas F. Giambrone Natalie Lyn Giamei* Susan Westlake Gilbert Catherine Hanna Goodman Patricia C. Goodridge Tonya Gee Gorda Mary Elizabeth Grabinski Scott Edward Grant Deborah Ann Green Debora Lynn Grimins Stephen Gulick, Jr. Richard Wesley Gumtow Christopher Gyr Kathryn C. Haber Michael Anthony Hable Thomas Michael Haglund Kevin Ray Haley Robert Douglas Hall Sharon Elaine Hall Pauline Blanchard Hamann* Bonnie Jean Hamilton* Elizabeth Jane Hamilton Gail L. Harter Cynthia Lee Hartzog James Allen Havens Teresa A. Hayward Timothy John Heck Steven Robert Heitzenrater John B. Helm* Martha Ann Herro Janet Elaine Hills Christopher Dale Hoaglin Scott Michael Hodge Joseph Gregory Hoodak* Pamela Victoria Horton Kathleen L. Houpt Doris M. Howe Tracey Lynn Howell Walter C. Huff Susan Emily Hurd Joseph Francis Jamison Sharon Ann Janhonen Michael Marion Jansen* Shirley Amelia Jaquay Lisa Anne Jarvis Helen Jennings Kevin Joseph Johns Terry-Ann Johnson Gloria Ann Jones* James B. Jones Jeffery Joe Jones Lynette Dena Jones Stephen Carl Jones Michael George Kane* Edith F. Kemp inski* Martin David Kennedy Carolyn Joan Kerwan* John William Killigrew Anne Patricia Killoran Nancy Lee Kimble Brenda L. Kinney* Jack Michael Kinney* Robert George Kolcun Patricia Ann Kostolansky Ellen Elizabeth Krebs Elaine Elizabeth Kuhnen* Jan Marie Kuznia Alfred Lawrence Lagonegro Barbara Jean Landry Carl David Larrison Marilee Jill Latshaw* Rosmarie Riedel Layton Patricia Lynn Lazeski Diane Elaine Leary Sheri Jo Lee Lori Lynn Lenhart* Connie A. Lewis Jill Diane Lewis* Sheryl Lynn Lis Thelma Lou Lockart Michael David Lowell* Sandra Jean Lucas Wade Hamilton Lucas Susan K. Lynch E. Winifred Lyon Mary Lou Mace* Margaret Marie Madden Rosemary Ann Madigan Robert Kevin Markell Paul John Martin Donna Marie Mase Diane M. Mason Jeffrey D. Maxson Peggy Maellon Maxson Diane Massaro McCormick Mark Alan McDermott Jean Marie McGee Steven Michael McGhie Diane Marie McGonigal David Bruce McKee Bernadette Mary McMahon Stephen M. McNamara* Thomas Joseph Metarko Carol L. Meyers* Karen L. Meyers* Katherine Ann Michaels Thomas John Micheli Deanna Sue Middaugh* David Edward Miller Gary David Miller Judith Lynn Miller Mary Jo Miller Randolph Leonard Miller James E. Millhouse Terry Lou Mitchell Cindy L. Mizio Martha Ann Monahan Cathy May Morehouse* Diane Morich Bonnie M. Morris Karen Mary Morris* Alan Brett Morse Debra Ellen Mosher Rickey Lee Mosher* * With Distinction CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES Patricia Ann Moskal Christine Suzanne Mruk* Marceila Mae Murphy Bruce Alan Myers Frank Raymond Naylor Judy Ann Nelson Suzanne E. Novak Margaret Jean Nussbaumer Kathleen Anne O’Brien Maureen Blythe O’Brien Kevin Francis O’Connor Jo Anne Carol Osborn Meredith Long Paddock*** Mary Alice Pannone Lisa Ann Paribello Gail Anne Parsons Susan Marie Passmore George Anthony Pavlick, Jr. Tammy J. Payne William Joseph Pedro Carol Ann Peers Nancy Lee Perea * * t Kathleen Mary Perrault Mary Helen Peters Patricia Ann Peters Bonita K. Philip Mark Thomas Pierotti David Joel Pine John Thomas Pine III Pamela D. Potter Michael James Prechtl* Raymond Maxwell Preston Eddie Herbert Purvis Patricia A. Ragan Lori Beth Raker Susan Loretta Ralston Sadie M. Randall Jeffrey Scott Rayeski Dana H. Redfield* May 28, 1982 ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE Barbara Easton Regan* John Joseph Reilly* Elizabeth Ann Reinhart Edwin James Reynolds Mary Claire Rhodes Diane Elizabeth Rice Neal C. Rigby Nancy A. Rios* Carol S. Roberts Terrie Lynn Robertson* Donna Kay Robie Dorothy Ann Robinson Virginia Beth Rockefeller* Margaret F. Rogers Michael Anthony Romat Michelle Renee Root Dale Robert Rose Phyllis Marie Rossettie Rhonda Rubin Tracy Ann Rumsey Karl L. Russ Clyde Richard Russell Timothy Mark Rutski Rebecca Lena Sager* Georgine E. Salisbury* Paul J ames Salvatore* Brenda Marie Saunders* Colleen Anne Sawyer Susan Mary Sawyer Susan Kaye Schanbacher Elizabeth A. Schimizzi Robin Sue Schrouder Robert Ira Seeley Deborah Ann Sementilli Lorna Jane Shaw Cheryl Ann Shay Jill Anne Shepard Dean Alan Sheppard Clifford Eugene Shores William Charles Simons Mary Elizabeth Smerdon James Edward Smith Judy Ann Smith Laval Kay Smith Marian Beatrice Smith Warren G. Smith Bryan Shelby Snyder Mary Theresa Sparduti Carol G. Spear Lawrence William Specchio Judith Ann Spier* Terry Lee Springston Arthur M. Stamp Kevin Bruce Sterner* Donna Marilyn Stevens Calli L. Steves Beverly Ruth Stoddard Kristy Susan Stoll Keith Roland Stratton Claire Marie Stuart* Jerome Sullivan Walter L. Swimley Debra K. Taft Steven Nicholas Tarby Paul Elderwith Taylor, Jr. Carrie Elaine Terry Joan Louise Terry* Judith Ann Thomas**” Patrick O. Thomas Frances Ellen Thorpe John F. Tirrell Carol J. Tomion Bonita Lee Tompkins* Susan Elizabeth Townsend* Marvella Wanda Trevino Gillian M. Tulk Kevin Patrick Tunney Maryellen Kirk Tuttle Cheryl Ann Tymel Roseann Elizabeth Unwin* t Pennon Bearer * With Distinction * * With Highest Distinction * * * With Distinction in the Honors Program CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES May 28, 1982 ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE Joan A. Van Dusen Kathi Jo Van Dusen Richard Calvin Van Etten Stanley Lynn Van Etten Nancy Jane VanHorn Thomas A. VanKirk Robert J. VanNordstrand Janet L. Varlan Leira Luz Vazquez Geralyn Ann Vertoske Kathy Lynne Walker* Susan Mary Walker Susan Annette Walrath Kimberly Leslie Ward James M. Warden Randall Scott Wayland* Peggy Jean Weaver Valerie L. Westbrook* Donnette Jean Wheeler Gregory Ian Whitaker Thomas Joseph White Jacqueline Sue Whitehead Karla Kae Wilhelm Marianne Bilello Williams Daniel Scott Wilson Mary Lou Wilson Theresa Jean Wilson* Sally Ann Winslow Arlene Alice Wolf Bruce E. Wolfanger Diane Marie Wood James Archie Woodard Virginia Catherine Woodhouse Kirk L. Yedinak Randy E. Yochum Eric Steven Yocus * With Distinction CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES May 28, 1982 ASSOCIATE IN ARTS Gerette Marie Buglion Tiana Lyn Driggins John M. Gray Mary Lou Hart* t Doreen Lee Kelly Joseph T. McLain Ann Dwyer Milliken Christine Ann Morley* Patrick McDermott Reidy Roger Russi* James Douglas Warfe Patricia Ann Yackel Segrid Maria Yonge f Pennon Bearer * With Distinction * * * With Distinction in the Honors Program THE MACE The Corning Community College Mace represents the authority of the faculty and the search for excellence. It is carried by the Macebearer at the head of academic processions. The lower knob of the mace symbolizes a seed, the beginning of the College; the long shaft represents a living stem and growth; the radiating fins are leaves, the flowering of ideas; the crystal is the goal of education and of the College — achievement. The Mace was presented to the College from the faculty on May 23, 1964; it was designed by Robert Goodden of the Royal College of Art in London. The Mace has been exhibited there in a special showing of Professor Goodden’s works. THE MEDALLION The Medallion, worn by the president at official College functions, represents the authority of his office. The four parts of its center design symbolize the community, the trustees, the faculty, and the students. The raised center represents the presidency, which draws together and fuses the endeavors of the four parts. The Medallion was designed by John M. Runyon, Professor in Art, Corning Community College and presented to Robert W. Frederick, Jr., Second President, on the occasion of his inauguration on May 18, 1967. ACADEMIC ATTIRE The caps, gowns, and hoods worn at college and university functions date back to the Middle Ages. Monks and students of those days wore them to keep warm in the damp and drafty 12th-century castles and halls of learning. When colleges came under secular control in the 1300’s, particularly in England, a touch of color was added to the academic garb. Thus the gown for graduates of many English universities is of a scarlet color. With the founding of colleges in the American colonies, the tradition of the academic gown became established on this continent as well. Academic hoods originally formed the cowl worn as a head covering by the monks. They could also be worn as a shoulder cape, or could be used as a bag for the collection of alms, or for carrying books. The outside of the hood is bordered with a velvet facing, the color of which indicates the subject studied for the degree granted. The color of the inner lining of the hood indicates the institution which has granted the degree. The length of the hood indicates the degree earned, the doctoral hood being the longest. Today’s candidates for associate degrees and certificates are wearing gowns similar in style to those worn by candidates for the bachelor degree. Their caps are worn with the tassels hanging on the right side until the degree is actually conferred whereupon the tassel is moved to the left side. PENNONS A pennon became the symbol of achievement during the Middle Ages and, as such, the degree pennons used in today’s ceremony symbolize the achievement of this College’s graduates. A long, narrow flag or streamer, triangular and pointed, the pennon was formerly attached to the head of a lance and was borne as a distinction by the knight. Upon the performance of any gallant action by the knight or his followers, the triangular point of the pennon was cut off, thereby converting it into a banner of distinction and achievement. So it is that this ancient symbol marks the accomplishments of those who are being honored at this graduation ceremony. The four pennons represent the Certificate Programs and the three associate degrees offered at Corning Community College. Those who carry the pennons have each attained the highest average in these categories.