JETP Letters V. 76, I. 10

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JETP Letters
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JETP Letters -- November 25, 2002 Volume 76, Issue 10, pp. 591-645 FIELDS, PARTICLES, AND NUCLEI Dirac Monopoles Embedded in SU(N) Gauge Theory with the theta Term M. A. Zubkov pp. 591-595 Full Text: PDF (59 kB) ATOMS, SPECTRA, RADIATIONS Operationalistic Orthogonality Condition for Single-Mode Biphotons (Qutrits) A. A. Zhukov, G. A. Maslennikov, and M. V. Chekhova pp. 596-599 Full Text: PDF (53 kB) On the Theory of X-ray Refractive Optics: Exact Solution for a Parabolic Medium V. G. Kohn pp. 600-603 Full Text: PDF (51 kB) PLASMA, GASES Dilaton-Field Burning in Plasma V. Ts. Gurovich and V. N. Folomeev pp. 604-606 Full Text: PDF (38 kB) CONDENSED MATTER Dynamics of a Longitudinal-and-Transverse Acoustic Wave in a Crystal with Paramagnetic Impurities A. A. Zabolotskii pp. 607-611 Full Text: PDF (69 kB) Universality and Scaling of Unstable Plastic Flow M. A. Lebyodkin, L. R. Dunin-Barkovskii, and T. A. Lebedkina pp. 612-615 Full Text: PDF (50 kB) Charge Transfer Near the Néel Temperature in La2CuO4 + x O. E. Parfenov, A. A. Nikonov, and S. N. Barilo pp. 616-619 Full Text: PDF (68 kB) Magnetic Bloch States and Hall Conductivity of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in a Periodic Potential without Inversion Center V. Ya. Demikhovskii and A. A. Perov pp. 620-624 Full Text: PDF (213 kB) Anisotropic Multicomponent Terahertz Photoconductivity in Quantum Hall Systems N. G. Kalugin, Yu. B. Vasil'ev, S. D. Suchalkin, G. Nachtwei, B. E. Sagol, G. Hein, and K. Eberl pp. 625-627 Full Text: PDF (46 kB) Modulation of the Resonant Rayleigh Light Scattering Spectrum of GaAs/AlGaAs Structures with Quantum Wells under Above-Barrier Illumination N. N. Sibel'din, M. L. Skorikov, and V. A. Tsvetkov pp. 628-632 Full Text: PDF (70 kB) Ultrahigh-Frequency NMR of Tm3+ Ions in Single Crystals of Thulium Ethylsulfate in High Magnetic Fields D. I. Abubakirov, V. V. Naletov, M. S. Tagirov, D. A. Tayurskii, and A. N. Yudin pp. 633-636 Full Text: PDF (61 kB) Polariton Dispersion of Periodic Quantum Well Structures A. V. Mintsev, L. V. Butov, C. Ell, S. Mosor, G. Khitrova, and H. M. Gibbs pp. 637-640 Full Text: PDF (145 kB) MISCELLANEOUS Realization of the Quantum Fourier Transform and Simulation of a Wave Function on a Quantum Computer with Fixed Continuous Interaction Yu. Ozhigov pp. 641-645 Full Text: PDF (66 kB)
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