Physics of the Solid State V. 47, I. 10

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Physics of the Solid State
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Physics of the Solid State -- October 2005 Volume 47, Issue 10, pp. 1797-1997 METALS AND SUPERCONDUCTORS Simulation of alpha-Zr Structural Stability under Pressure Using the Molecular Dynamics Method V. Yu. Trubitsyn, E. B. Dolgusheva, and E. I. Salamatov pp. 1797-1804 Full Text: PDF (585 kB) Effect of Cherenkov Dissipation on Vortex Velocity in a Waveguide-Coupled Josephson Junction A. S. Malishevskii, V. P. Silin, S. A. Uryupin, and S. G. Uspenskii pp. 1805-1813 Full Text: PDF (114 kB) Critical Current of SFIFS Tunnel Junctions: Spin–Orbit Scattering Effects V. N. Krivoruchko and R. V. Petryuk pp. 1814-1822 Full Text: PDF (114 kB) SEMICONDUCTORS AND DIELECTRICS Light-Emitting Si : Er Structures Prepared by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy: Structural Defects V. I. Vdovin, P. Verner, N. D. Zakharov, D. V. Denisov, N. A. Sobolev, and V. M. Ustinov pp. 1823-1826 Full Text: PDF (437 kB) Exciton–Hole Scattering in ZnTe V. S. Bagaev, V. V. Zaitsev, Yu. V. Klevkov, and V. S. Krivobok pp. 1827-1830 Full Text: PDF (65 kB) Ab Initio Studies of the Energy Characteristics and Magnetic Properties of Point Defects in GaAs V. I. Baikov, E. I. Isaev, P. A. Korzhavyi, Yu. Kh. Vekilov, and I. A. Abrikosov pp. 1831-1836 Full Text: PDF (72 kB) Projection Technique for Population Analysis of Atomic Orbitals in Crystals I. I. Tupitsyn, R. A. Évarestov, and V. P. Smirnov pp. 1837-1846 Full Text: PDF (107 kB) Femtosecond Mechanisms of Electronic Excitations in Crystalline Materials V. I. Baryshnikov and T. A. Kolesnikova pp. 1847-1851 Full Text: PDF (66 kB) Iodine Is a Covalent Crystal I. A. Stepanov pp. 1852-1853 Full Text: PDF (21 kB) Photoinduced Permittivity in Lead Molybdate M. D. Volnyanskii, A. Yu. Kudzin, S. N. Plyaka, and Z. Balasme pp. 1854-1858 Full Text: PDF (67 kB) DEFECTS, DISLOCATIONS, AND PHYSICS OF STRENGTH Interpretation of the Optical and EPR Spectra of the Cr3+ Ion in a Lithium Niobate Crystal A. M. Leushin and E. N. Irinyakov pp. 1859-1862 Full Text: PDF (43 kB) X-ray Diffraction Study of the Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Defect Formation in Silicon Crystals Grown by the Czochralski Method and Annealed at High Temperatures V. A. Makara, N. N. Novikov, and B. D. Patsai pp. 1863-1868 Full Text: PDF (85 kB) Influence of Structural Interfaces on the Statistics of Corrosion Microcracks V. I. Vettegren, A. Ya. Bashkarev, G. I. Morozov, A. A. Lebedev, E. Yu. Nefed'ev, and M. A. Kryuchkov pp. 1869-1871 Full Text: PDF (42 kB) X-ray Diffraction Study of Low- and High-Angle Misorientations in LiF Crystals during Creep B. I. Smirnov, R. S. Chudnova, and V. V. Shpeizman pp. 1872-1878 Full Text: PDF (89 kB) MAGNETISM AND FERROELECTRICITY Dynamic Systems of Concentric Ring Magnetic Domains in a Highly Anisotropic Garnet Ferrite Film in Magnetic Fields at Infrasonic Frequencies G. S. Kandaurova, V. Kh. Osadchenko, and A. G. Pashko pp. 1879-1885 Full Text: PDF (714 kB) Specific Features of Magnetoacoustic Waves in Fe3BO6 V. D. Buchel'nikov, N. K. Dan'shin, D. M. Dolgushin, A. I. Izotov, V. G. Shavrov, L. T. Tsymbal, and T. Takagi pp. 1886-1891 Full Text: PDF (83 kB) Orientational Phase Transition into a Modulated Magnetic State in the Weak Ferromagnet FeBO3 : Mg B. Yu. Sokolov pp. 1892-1899 Full Text: PDF (483 kB) Phase Separation and Anisotropy in the Electrical Properties of Weakly Doped Lanthanum Manganites N. I. Solin, V. A. Kazantsev, L. D. Fal'kovskaya, and S. V. Naumov pp. 1900-1908 Full Text: PDF (130 kB) Effect of Hydrogenation on the Magnetic and Magnetoelastic Properties of the Tb0.27Dy0.73Fe2 and Tb0.27Dy0.73Co2 Compounds with Compensated Magnetic Anisotropy G. A. Politova, I. S. Tereshina, S. A. Nikitin, T. G. Sochenkova, V. N. Verbetsky, A. A. Salamova, and M. V. Makarova pp. 1909-1913 Full Text: PDF (75 kB) The Influence of Transverse Perturbations on the Propagation of Picosecond Acoustic Pulses in a Paramagnetic Crystal A. N. Bugai and S. V. Sazonov pp. 1914-1921 Full Text: PDF (101 kB) Multilayer Metallization of Ferrite Mg0.54Zn0.46Fe2O4 Z. A. Samoilenko, V. S. Abramov, and N. N. Ivakhnenko pp. 1922-1927 Full Text: PDF (95 kB) The Lineshape of Inelastic Neutron Scattering in Relaxor Ferroelectrics M. A. Ivanov, M. Kozlowski, T. Piesiewicz, V. A. Stephanovich, A. Weron, and A. Wymyslowski pp. 1928-1936 Full Text: PDF (319 kB) LATTICE DYNAMICS AND PHASE TRANSITIONS Theory of Vibrational Excitations in a Solid Solution with the Inclusion of Their Scattering by Multi-Impurity Clusters V. S. Vinogradov pp. 1937-1943 Full Text: PDF (89 kB) Thermal Expansion of a Ni2.14Mn0.81Fe0.05Ga Alloy in Coarse-Grained, Submicron, and Nanocrystalline States R. N. Imashev, V. V. Koledov, Kh. Ya. Mulyukov, I. Z. Sharipov, and V. G. Shavrov pp. 1944-1947 Full Text: PDF (325 kB) LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS AND SURFACE PHYSICS Eigenstate Statistics and Optical Properties of One-Dimensional Disordered Photonic Crystals M. A. Kaliteevskii, V. V. Nikolaev, and R. A. Abram pp. 1948-1957 Full Text: PDF (373 kB) Multiphonon Absorption of Light in Quantum-Well Systems in Uniform Electric and Magnetic Fields É. P. Sinyavskii and R. A. Khamidullin pp. 1958-1963 Full Text: PDF (82 kB) Tamm Interface States in ZnSe/BeTe Periodic Heterostructures A. S. Gurevich, V. P. Kochereshko, A. V. Platonov, B. A. Zyakin, A. Waag, and G. Landwehr pp. 1964-1971 Full Text: PDF (113 kB) Quantum Corrections to the Conductivity of a Natural Nd2 – xCexCuO4 Superlattice G. M. Min'kov, A. I. Ponomarev, A. A. Sherstobitov, S. G. Novokshonov, and A. A. Ivanov pp. 1972-1979 Full Text: PDF (115 kB) Interaction of Cobalt Atoms with an Oxidized Si(100)2 × 1 Surface M. V. Gomoyunova, I. I. Pronin, D. E. Malygin, N. R. Gall', D. V. Vyalykh, and S. L. Molodtsov pp. 1980-1985 Full Text: PDF (98 kB) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Interaction of Low-Energy Ar and Xe Ions with Copper Clusters on a Graphite Surface G. V. Kornich, G. Betz, V. I. Zaporojtchenko, F. Faupel, and L. I. Lozovskaya pp. 1986-1992 Full Text: PDF (496 kB) FULLERENES AND ATOMIC CLUSTERS C60 Heat Capacity Anomaly at the Orientational Phase Transition V. M. Egorov, B. I. Smirnov, V. V. Shpeizman, R. K. Nikolaev, and N. S. Sidorov pp. 1993-1997 Full Text: PDF (65 kB)
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