Low Temperature Physics V. 28, I. 02

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Low Temperature Physics
Research Projects
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Low Temperature Physics -- February 2002 Volume 28, Issue 2, pp. 73-145 QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND QUANTUM CRYSTALS Concentration dependence of the attenuation of first sound in supersaturated superfluid 3He–4He solutions under pressure A. A. Zadorozhko, T. V. Kalko, É. Ya. Rudavskii, I. A. Usherov-Marshak, V. K. Chagovets, and G. A. Sheshin Full Text: PDF (95 kB) Self-consistent calculation of the spectrum of quasiparticles in a superfluid Bose liquid with a quenched Bose–Einstein condensate É. A. Pashitskii, S. I. Vilchinsky, and S. V. Mashkevich Full Text: PDF (95 kB) Asymmetry of relaxation processes and the creation of high-energy phonons in the anisotropic phonon systems of He II I. N. Adamenko, K. É. Nemchenko, and A. F. G. Wyatt Full Text: PDF (147 kB) SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, INCLUDING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTIVITY On the criteria for superconductivity in PrBa2Cu3O6.6 F. A. Boyko, G. V. Bukin, V. A. Voloshin, and A. A. Gusev Full Text: PDF (72 kB) Fluctuation conductivity in YBa2Cu3O7–y films with different oxygen content. II. YBCO films with Tc[approximate]80 K A. L. Solovjov, H.-U. Habermeier, and T. Haage Full Text: PDF (148 kB) Superconductivity in impurity systems with a lower density of charge carriers and with strong electron correlations M. E. Palistrant Full Text: PDF (118 kB) LOW-TEMPERATURE MAGNETISM Magnetization dynamics of electron–impurity systems at paramagnetic resonance E. A. Ivanchenko Full Text: PDF (87 kB) LOW-DIMENSIONAL AND DISORDERED SYSTEMS Point-contact studies of the Kondo size effect in the alloys CuMn, CuCr, and AuFe in a magnetic field V. V. Fisun, I. K. Yanson, J. M. van Ruitenbeek, and J. A. Mydosh Full Text: PDF (89 kB) QUANTUM EFFECTS IN SEMICONDUCTORS AND DIELECTRICS Dependence of semiconductor energy bands on the isotopic composition. A universal relation for monoatomic crystals A. P. Zhenov Full Text: PDF (97 kB) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CRYOCRYSTALS Molar volume dependence of the thermal conductivity in mixed cryocrystals V. A. Konstantinov, E. S. Orel, and V. P. Revyakin Full Text: PDF (59 kB) SHORTS NOTES Effect of impurity oxygen on the low-temperature plasticity of solid normal hydrogen L. A. Alekseeva and Yu. V. Butenko Full Text: PDF (42 kB) NEWS ITEMS XIV international seminar on high-temperature superconductivity and school of applied superconductivity (Kurchatovets vacation base, Protvino, Russia, May 28–31, 2001) M. A. Belogolovskii, S. I. Bondarenko, and L. S. Shirshov Full Text: PDF (29 kB)
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