Keeping Pace with Web-based Technology: A MOOC for Lifelong Learning in a Digital Age
Sullivan, Roberta (Robin)
van Putten, Cherie
Price, Christopher
Issue Date
Online Course
SUNY , State University of New York , IITG , Innovative Instructional Technology Grants , MOOCs , Digital Literacy , Lifelong Learning Skills , Collaborative Learning Technologies
Alternative Title
"The ability to use established and emerging technology tools is not optional for learning and career advancement in today’s digital age. It is a necessity. Many people, both in and out of higher education, fall short in this respect. This proposal is to create a MOOC that will build on participants’ abilities to understand and use web-based technology tools, regardless of their current skill level or their personal and professional trajectories.
This MOOC will provide accessible, curated information and application exercises pertaining to current and emerging technologies such as audio, video, and social networking that are relevant to learners and professionals alike. Additionally, it will provide space for supportive dialogue and sharing among participants.
Content will be an open-access resource with ongoing utility for the lifelong learning needs, interests, and career advancement for people across the globe who are invested in their personal and professional growth."
This MOOC brings digital literacy and lifelong learning skills to faculty, staff, students, and anyone in the world interested in learning more about the 4Cs of 21st century learners, including communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. The material in the MOOC, and the complementary crowdsourced EmTechWIKI, are available free of charge and open to everyone. SUNY affiliated participants earn a Coursera Certificate of Completion at no cost, and everyone may earn a Mastery Badge, while others pay a small fee if they want a Coursera certificate. This project supports progress towards a degree by helping participants master technical skills such as video, blogs, and infographic creation to be able to effectively apply the 21st century skills described above. It also helps them learn how to be a savvy consumer of information on the web. The project helps build career skills that employers are looking for in today’s job market. Some of these skills are critical thinking/problem solving, oral/written communication, teamwork/collaboration, and information technology application.
Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International