Astronomy Reports V. 45, I. 01
Issue Date
Astronomy Reports
Alternative Title
Astronomy Reports -- January 2001
Volume 45, Issue 1, pp. 1-78
Star Formation in Extragalactic HII Regions. Determination of Parameters of the Initial Mass Function
F. Kh. Sakhibov and M. A. Smirnov
pp. 1-15 Full Text: PDF (155 kB)
The Synchrotron Spectra of Inhomogeneous Radio Sources
V. S. Artyukh and P. A. Chernikov
pp. 16-25 Full Text: PDF (125 kB)
The Detection of New Methanol Masers in the 5–1–40E Line
S. V. Kalenskii, V. I. Slysh, I. E. Val'tts, A. Winnberg, and L. E. Johansson
pp. 26-33 Full Text: PDF (132 kB)
Streaming Motions of Molecular Clouds, Ionized Hydrogen, and OB Stars in the Cygnus Arm
T. G. Sitnik, A. M. Mel'nik, and V. V. Pravdikova
pp. 34-43 Full Text: PDF (181 kB)
The Dust Envelope of the Symbiotic Nova HM Sge
M. B. Bogdanov and O. G. Taranova
pp. 44-50 Full Text: PDF (123 kB)
Photometry and Polarimetry of the Classical Herbig Ae Star VV Ser
A. N. Rostopchina, V. P. Grinin, and D. N. Shakhovskoi
pp. 51-59 Full Text: PDF (176 kB)
Numerical Simulation of a Solar Flare Produced by the Emergence of New Magnetic Flux
A. I. Podgornyi and I. M. Podgornyi
pp. 60-66 Full Text: PDF (148 kB)
Emission Lines in the Spectrum of the Red-Dwarf Flare Star EV Lac: Modeling of the Quiescent Chromosphere
E. A. Baranovskii, R. E. Gershberg, and D. N. Shakhovskoi
pp. 67-74 Full Text: PDF (102 kB)
Intensity Dependence of the Asymmetry of Fraunhofer Line Profiles
D. M. Kuli-Zade
pp. 75-78 Full Text: PDF (39 kB)
MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.