Low Temperature Physics V. 29, I. 03
Issue Date
Low Temperature Physics
Alternative Title
Low Temperature Physics -- March 2003
Volume 29, Issue 3, pp. 163-273
Electronically induced phenomena: low temperature aspects (Preface)
P. Feulner and E. Savchenko
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Particle transport phenomena in low-temperature solids (Review)
M. Bargheer and N. Schwentner
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Coherent motion and anomalous transport properties of exciton and hole polarons with intrinsic vibrational structure
A. M. Ratner
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Excess electron transport in cryoobjects
D. G. Eshchenko, V. G. Storchak, J. H. Brewer, S. P. Cottrell, and S. F. J. Cox
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Low-temperature electron transport on semiconductor surfaces
M. Lastapis, D. Riedel, A. Mayne, K. Bobrov, and G. Dujardin
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Reactions induced by low energy electrons in cryogenic films (Review)
A. D. Bass and L. Sanche
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Effects of electron irradiation on structure and bonding of SF6 on Ru(0001)
N. S. Faradzhev, D. O. Kusmierek, B. V. Yakshinskiy, and T. E. Madey
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Soft landing of size-selected clusters in rare gas matrices
J. T. Lau, W. Wurth, H.-U. Ehrke, and A. Achleitner
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Element-specific and site-specific ion desorption from adsorbed molecules by deep core-level photoexcitation at the K-edges
Y. Baba
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Ion desorption from molecules condensed at low temperature: A study with electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy combined with synchrotron radiation (Review)
Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru Nagasono, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Tetsuji Sekitani, and Shin-ichi Nagaoka
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Absolute yields of the exciton-induced desorption at the surface of solid rare gases
I. Arakawa, T. Adachi, T. Hirayama, and M. Sakurai
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Biexcitons in solid neon
P. Wiethoff, B. Kassühlke, D. Menzel, and P. Feulner
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Exciton-induced lattice defect formation
E. V. Savchenko, A. N. Ogurtsov, and G. Zimmerer
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