Poster: Publishing at Fisher: the First Two Years
Marrese, Alicia
Hockenberry, Benjamin
Issue Date
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Since its 2012 launch, St. John Fisher College’s institutional repository (IR), Fisher Digital Publications, has expanded and its staffing model has evolved. Due to an increasing popularity and demand for new projects in our IR, Fisher determined that a dedicated coordinator was needed. In this presentation, we will illustrate the changes in workflow that followed the adaptation of a staff member’s role to include repository coordination duties.
The division of workload is the centerpiece of this poster. Staff and students from all library departments are involved in the publishing enterprise. Each person involved brings their expertise and strengths to other areas of responsibility in the project. From communicating with faculty, laying out documents, creating discoverable records, curating and scanning archives, working with publishers, training, and outreach, Fisher Digital Publications is truly a library-wide effort that supports the scholarly endeavors of our institution.
We anticipate growth in the areas of self-submission, digitization of archives, data and media, continual support of existing content, and open educational resources. With the support of a dedicated coordinator and an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ approach, we are confident that we will continue to embrace opportunities to meet the needs of our scholarly community.
Also in Fisher Digital Publications: