Master's Level Graduate Research Conference
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Item Challenging the Cognitive and Physical Reserve of Aging Adults Through the Development of a Central New York Aging Readiness Plan(2013-04-20) Lapp, Margaret; SUNY ESFThis presentation investigates the unprecedented number of older adults, namely the Baby Boomer generation, who are entering retirement. The need for aging ready communities is omnipresent. Seniors' desire to age in place supports this scale defiant exigency. Barriers to aging in place are ubiquitous; urban, suburban and rural communities demand solutions to threatening obstacles. Absence of a comprehensive aging-readiness plan necessitates action. The purpose of this study was to identify the barriers to aging in place in Central New York, and propose appropriate planning solutions. Focus groups were conducted to determine the barriers to aging in place. Three main themes arose: area for physical activity and exercise facilities is a priority, feeling of safety/security affects going out, and loss of control leads to compromised independence. Basis for intervention involved the following community context breakdown: property/grounds, house/building, street, block and neighborhood. Each theme was addressed via multi-generational planning, smart growth, universal and ecological design principles.Item Relationship Between Self-determination Factors and Korean International Students' Lives and Mental Health(2013-04-20) Kim, Jun-pyo; University at BuffaloThis study aims to understand the intersection of the Korean culture and the life of Korean international students in the United States. International students are generally considered voluntary immigrants who chose to embark on a new life in a host country. However, Korean international students’ decision for studying abroad is often influenced by Confucian philosophy and strong family ties; some of Korean international students may have arrived in the United States mainly because of parental decision. It means that they may have come to the United States against their will. Consequently, a lack of self-determination may be a significant factor that affects the school performance and well-being of this population. Results of this online survey study will contribute to a better understanding of Korean students in the United States, and inform service providers who may work with them for their better services. The survey is created to assess school performance, depression, alcohol use, life satisfaction of Korean international students. Currently, the data collection process is in progress and it is expected to be completed in the mid-March and the analysis will be done by early April.Item Acculturative Stress, Perceived Social Support and Depression Among Chinese International Students(2013-04-20) Wu, Zixi; Zhang, Yue; Syracuse UniversityThe experience of coming to the United States to pursue academic degree can be exciting for international students, who are often striving to fulfill personal, familial, and career goals. However, it is also challenging, as it may be accompanied by stress due to constant adaption to a series of continual changes. In addition to adjusting to a new physical environment, individuals must also make psychological adjustments. This presentation identifies Chinese international students’ acculturation processes including their acculturative stress, students’ perceived social support and symptoms of depression. It shows how students’ acculturation experience affected their psychological well-being. Also, other contextual factors associated with this acculturation process and cultural attitudes and beliefs regarding the meaning of depression are discussed as well. Data was collected through an online survey of Chinese international students enrolled at Syracuse University. Regression analysis was used to examine the association among acculturative stress, perceived social support and depression. Results indicate that students with less acculturative stress experienced a better adjustment outcome and showed lower levels of depression. It emphasizes the importance of English language competency during their adjustment process. Moreover, perceived social support functioned as a moderator for the association between acculturative stress and depression only when students experienced a high level of acculturative stress. Practical suggestions are made for educators and professionals to help Chinese international students facilitate cultural adjustment and also to enhance the services and programs American universities offer to their international students.Item The Zambian Classroom Culture: the Effects of a Lack of Resources(2013-04-20) Henry, Margaret; Buffalo State CollegeThis presentation addresses the results of an experience at a Professional Development School in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa. This experience offers an opportunity to recognize the importance of reflecting on classroom cultures across international borders. Teaching is universal; however, the methods, strategies, resources, and environments differ throughout the world. Recognizing components of effective classroom culture in any country can strengthen the field of education. In the four basic schools in Lusaka, Zambia (specifically Grade 5 & 6), the observations concluded that the Zambian classroom culture lacked resources, which ultimately affected the teaching and learning in the classroom. A lack of resources causes instruction to be conducted in a teacher-centric manner and the students are not able to be creative because of the classroom culture. Students in Zambia are encouraged to be passive learners as the teacher is their sole source of information. In order to produce progress, especially needed in a developing country, students need a wealth of resources with multiple perspectives and the opportunity to be creative. Awareness of education practices across international borders increases understanding, appreciation, and reflection of local education practices.Item Real First World Problems: How Less from Rwanda Can Improve 'First World' America(2013-04-20) Morrison, Candace; University at BuffaloThere is a legacy of cultural dominance between the developed world and the developing world. For generations, the west has been looked to as the pinnacle of progress in technology, health, and justice. To this day, many NGO and state agents approach the developing world as a place to improve upon and never a place to learn from. However, I purpose that there are numerous lessons to be learned from the developing world, principally where cultural policy and cultural expression is concerned. This presentation identifies two key areas, community and sustainability, where the first world nations are lagging. This lag is truly a first world problem; and, I propose that the solution is to be found in the developing world. To explore this thesis, I will explore the developments of post-genocide Rwanda. I will concentrate on how Rwandans have healed and grown since the 1994 Genocide and how this growth has impacted community and sustainability throughout the country. From here, I will propose the need for sustainable community development here in the United States. For this purpose, community is defined as “a body of people or things viewed collectively” (Oxford New English Dictionary). Sustainability will refer to the long-term social and environmental frameworks established to maintain the community. In essence, I will show how we can learn from Rwanda, a nation on the rebound, by exploring that which makes us human.