State University College at Purchase

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    Stock Operations, The Livermore Method
    (2016) Spennato, Joseph; Shablinsky, Irina
    The stock market behavior we often see is not well understood even for disciplined traders. Stock market speculation often seems to be an arena for the financially suicidal. The work of Jesse Livermore brings some order and understanding to this area of investing. He has outlined the principles for market speculation and I believe these rules are highly effective when strictly practiced. In the course of testing Livermore, I have employed my own funds in a real money account. These trades I have closely tracked and annotated with Excel. If any trade were retrospectively analyzed with regard to Livermore's principles one will find that adherence to these principles will show a gain and any departure will show a loss. A brief discussion is given on options and stocks including common elements and how their price may change with time. Information on the mechanics, terminology and other associated elements, such as the computer programming and networking that are associated with operating and manifesting the "physical" marketplace exchanges, such as NYSE is also included. Some consideration of the theoretical pricing of options is provided, and the mathematics that underlie this pricing.
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    The Upsides of Thinking Forward: The Effect of Spatial Metaphor on Individuals’ Perceptions of Social Mobility
    (2015) Pitti, Daniel; Flusberg, Stephen, Dr.; Clerkin, Suzanne, Dr.
    The U.S. is currently experiencing one of the lowest rates of social mobility among industrialized nations. Researchers have suggested that overestimations of class/financial mobility in low SES individuals can lead to a heightened motivation to work and advance in society. Past literature has demonstrated that metaphors can influence the way individuals reason about complex social issues. We hypothesized people may perceive upward movement through society as more difficult than forward movement through society, because moving up in space is more difficult than moving forward in space. Over two studies we examined the effect of different spatial metaphors on people’s beliefs and attitudes about social mobility and redistributive policies, comparing subjects of different political ideologies and cultural orientation. Subjects were exposed to a reading about social mobility that contained either vertical or horizontal spatial metaphors. Immediately following the reading, subjects in both conditions completed a questionnaire, which assessed people’s level of belief in possible progress and support for redistributive social policies. Basic demographic information was also collected. Significant interactions between a conservative political ideology and vertical spatial metaphors were found in both Study 1 and 2, however the direction of effect in each study conflicted. Results of a combined analysis of both studies found no significant results. We found no evidence to support the hypothesis that spatial metaphors can influence people’s attitudes about social mobility.
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    Competing for Companies?: A Jurisdictional Analysis of Multinational Corporation Tax
    (2016) Czerniawski, James; Rajagopalan, Shruti
    The purpose of this research is to look into why many American Fortune 500 corporations are partaking in corporate tax inversion, which is the relocation of a corporation's legal domicile to a lower-taxation, or corporate haven, usually while retaining its material operations in its higher-tax country of origin. The topics we explore are examples of similar behavior in early American history: which shows that this kind of behavior is not something that is new. The consumer voter theory model and voting with one's feet show how while corporations and individuals may be very different at face value, they both share certain intrinsic values which will make them behave similarly in situations. We will use specific case studies in which we look at certain Fortune 500 companies and what they have done in response to the taxes in the United States. We look at smaller companies which fall lower on the list as well as conglomerate corporations ranking at the or towards the top. This allows us to demonstrate that it is not just one kind of corporation in particular that is engaging in these kinds of practices. We are finding that these corporations feel that they are paying too high of taxes to be domiciled in the United States, attributing to so many of them deciding to re-incorporate to many European countries such as Ireland and Great Britain in particular. We hope to see additional reasons that would attribute towards these companies deciding to go down this particular course of action and offer policy suggestion to address what has become a serious issue in the United States in recent years.