Long Island Historical Journal [SBU]

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    Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 11, Number 1 (Fall 1998)
    (Stony Brook University, Department of History, 1998) Kroessler, Jeffrey A.; Simon, Donald E.; Shepherd, Elizabeth; Goldberger, Paul; Cray, Jr., Robert E.; Naylor, Natalie A.; McIlvaine, Adrienne; Parekh, Rajesh; Pedisich, Daniel; Ewen, Elizabeth; Burrows, Edwin G.; Welch, Kimberly; Merwin, Daria; Chorzempa, Chet; King, Christine; Bokuniewicz, Henry J. (Henry Joseph); Wunderlich, Roger; Nyitray, Kristen J.
    TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT / FEATURE ARTICLES: The Greater City and Queens County by Jeffrey A. Kroessler - 1 / By a Margin of 277 Votes: The Consolidation of Brooklyn and New York by Donald E. Simon - 15 / Deepwells: A Nineteenth-Century Farm for the Twenty-First Century? by Elizabeth Shepherd - 27 / State of the Island: Sixty Years After The Hurricane: The Case for Replacing the Steeple of Sag Harbor's Old Whaler's Church by Paul Goldberger - 42 / Congregational Autonomy and Presbyterian Discipline: The Immoral Ministry of Luther Gleason in Early Republic New York, 1789-1808 by Robert E. Cray, Jr. - 47 / Recent Articles on Long Island History by Natalie A. Naylor with the assistance of Victoria R. Aspinwall - 64 / SECONDARY SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS - 81: The 1939 World’s Fair: Yesterday’s World of Tomorrow by Adrienne McIlvaine - 81 / Four Dramatic Events that affected Long Island by Rajesh Parekh - 87 / The Aeronautical Heritage of Port Washington by Daniel Pedisich - 96 / REVIEWS - 106: Natalie A. Naylor and Maureen O. Murphy, eds. Long Island Women: Activists and Innovators by Elizabeth Ewen / David Yehling Allen. Long Island Maps and Their Makers: Five Centuries of Cartographic History by Edwin Burrows / Clarence Taylor. Knocking at Our Own Door: Milton A. Galamison and the Struggle for School Integration in New York City by Kimberly Welch / John A. Strong. “We Are Still Here!” The Algonquian Peoples of Long Island Today, 2nd ed. by Daria Merwin / Hal B. Fullerton. Gardener of Eden: The Wit and Wisdom of Hal B. Fullerton. Compiled and edited by Anne Nauman. by Chet Chorzempa / Jeffrey A. Kroessler. Lighting the Way: The Centennial History of the Queens Borough Public Library, 1896-1996 by Christine King / Frederick W. Bone. Sands of Time: A History of the Sand and Gravel Operations in Port Jefferson and Nearby Harbors. Edited by Mildred Michos. by Henry Bokuniewicz / Vincent F. Seyfried. Flushing Academy by Natalie A. Naylor / BOOK NOTES - 124 / COMMUNICATIONS - 126
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    Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 03, Number 2 (Spring 1991)
    (Stony Brook University, Department of History, 1991) Harrison, Helen A.; Crease, Robert P.; Strong, Lara M.; Karabag, Selcuk; Hefner, Robert J.; Koppelman, Lee E.; McKune, Amy; Rossano, Geoffrey L.; Cucchiara, Anthony; Roff, Sandra; Strong, John A.; Miller, Wilbur R.; Boody, Peter B.; Austen, Barbara E.; Krieg, Joann P.; Traynor, Carol A.; Simon, Donald E.; Turano, Francis; Beal, Thomas D.; Wunderlich, Roger; Nyitray, Kristen J.
    TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 153 / FEATURE ARTICLES: On the Floor by Helen A. Harrison - 155 / The History of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Part One: The Graphite Reactor and the Cosmotron by Robert P. Crease - 167 / Quashawam: Sunksquaw of the Montauk by Lara M. Strong and Selcuk Karabag - 187 / Montauk Point Lighthouse: A History of New York’s First Seamark by Robert J. Hefner - 203 / Maglev by Lee E. Koppelman - 215 / American Quilting, 1780-1990 by Amy McKune - 223 / Long Island Goes to the Auto Races: The Great Vanderbilt Cup Controversy of 1904 by Geoffrey L. Rossano - 229 / The Pratt Experiment: The Early Years of the Library School by Anthony Cucchiara and Sandra Roff - 244 / LOST AND FOUND: by John A. Strong and Wilbur R. Miller - 253 / REVIEWS OF BOOKS: Robert F. Keeler. Newsday: A Candid History of the Respectable Tabloid by Peter B. Boody - 260 / One Hundred Years Old Today: Anniversary Edition, the Easthampton Star by Barbara E. Austen - 265 / Dennis Berthold and Kenneth Price, eds. Dear Brother Walt: The Letters of Thomas Jefferson Whitman by Joann P. Krieg - 271 / Jeffrey A. Kroessler and Nina S. Rappaport. Historic Preservation in Queens by Carol A. Traynor - 272 / Mary Field and Van Field. The Illustrated History of the Moriches Bay Area by Donald E. Simon - 274 / Nicholas Langhart, et al. Houses of Southold; the First 350 Years by Frank Turano - 276 / EXHIBIT REVIEW: Edward Lange Revisited by Thomas D. Beal - 278 / BOOK AND EXHIBIT NOTES - 278
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    Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 01, Number 2 (Spring 1989)
    (Stony Brook University, Department of History, 1989) Harmond, Richard P.; Buckley, Lynda A.; Barber, Linda E.; Battley, Susan; Thomas, Emily H.; Fox, Daniel M.; Stoff, Joshua; Dorinson, Joseph; Taylor, Clarence; Ross, Alice; Stone, Gaynell; Smits, Edward J.; Buckley, Peter G.; Nyitray, Kristen J.; Wunderlich, Roger
    TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT / FEATURE ARTICLES: AIDS on Long Island: The Regional History of an Epidemic, 1981-1988 by Emily H. Thomas and Daniel M. Fox - 93 / Grumman versus Republic: Success and Failure in the Aviation Industry on Long Island by Joshua Stoff - 113 / Brooklyn: The Elusive Image by Joseph Dorinson - 128 / “Whatever the Cost, We Will Set the Nation Straight”: The Ministers' Committee and the Downstate Center Campaign by Clarence Taylor - 136 / Ella Smith’s Recipe Collection, Smithtown, 1889-1910 by Alice Ross - 147 / Land Where My Fathers Died - Long Island as America: A New Look at the First Inhabitants by Gaynell Stone - 159 / The Creation of Nassau County by Edward J. Smits - 170 / REVIEWS OF BOOKS: The Museums at Stony Brook. Nineteenth-Century American Carriages: Their Manufacture, Decorations, and Use by Peter G. Buckley - 183 / Gaynell Stone and Donna Ottusch-Kianka. The Historical Archaeology of Long Island, Volume VII, Part I - The Sites by Linda E. Barber - 186 / Richard F. Welch. Memento Mori: The Gravestones of Early Long Island, 1680-1810 by Susan Battley - 188 / BOOK NOTES - 189
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    Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 19, Numbers 1-2 (Fall 2006/Spring 2007)
    (Stony Brook University, The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History, 2007) Strong, John A.; Howlett, Charles F.; Harris, Bradley L.; Flack, J. Kirkpatrick; Douglas, Leroy E.; Woulfin, Dan; Breschard, Jayme; Longmire, Stephen; Fauss, Eric; Harmond, Richard P.; Weigold, Marilyn E.; Staudt, John G.; Wilbur, Garry A.; Naylor, Natalie A.; Kelly, Barbara M.; Welch, Richard F.; Hamilton, Marsha L.; Simon, Donald E.; Cash, Floris Barnett; Sloam, Myrna; Sandford, Ann H.; Kroessler, Jeffrey A.; Nyitray, Kristen J.; Russell, Barbara M.; Nyitray, Kristen J.; Forman, Seth
    TABLE OF CONTENTS - FEATURE ARTICLES: The Autonomous Commonwealth: Southampton, 1640-1644 by John A. Strong - 1 / The Garden City Hotel and the Modern American Peace Movement by Charles F. Howlett - 20 / Deepwells: A Crown Jewel in St. James by Bradley L. Harris - 44 / The Dimon Family: Bridgehampton Historiography and its Focus on Ordinary People by J. Kirkpatrick Flack - 64 / The Origins of Adelphi Suffolk College: The Sayville and Southampton Initiatives, 1957-1958 by Leroy E. Douglas - 81 / Building Student Power: A History of NYPIRG at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1974-1992 by Dan Woulfin - 98 / Early Disaster Mitigation Policy on Long Island’s South Shore by Jayme Breschard - 121 / Hubbard Latham Fordham: Keeping an Eye on Sag Harbor by Stephen Longmire -138 / The Postsuburban Development of Riverhead, Long Island: 1970 - 2000 by Eric Fauss - 145 / REFLECTIONS: The Peconic River by Richard P. Harmond - 164 / LONG ISLAND PLACE NAMES: Shelter Island: An Island Sheltered by Islands by Patricia and Edward Shillenburg - 167 / PRIMARY SOURCE: Conference on the Future of Nassau and Western Suffolk: Introductory Remarks, Robert - 172 / BOOKS AND CULTURE - REVIEWS: Ann Sandford. Grandfather Lived Here: The Transformation of Bridgehampton, New York 1870-1970 by Marilyn E. Weigold - 182 / Newsday, Inc. Newsday’s Guide to Long Island's Natural World by John G. Staudt - 183 / Leonard Benardo and Jennifer Weiss. Brooklyn By Name: How the Neighborhoods, Streets, Parks, Bridges, and More Got Their Names by Garry Wilbur - 186 / Hilary Ballon and Kenneth T. Jackson, eds. Robert Moses and the Modern City: The Transformation of New York by Natalie A. Naylor - 188 / Living the American Dream: Levittown and the Suburban Boom. Long Island Museum, Stony Brook, New York by Barbara Kelly - 189 / Robert Moses and the Modern City: The Road to Recreation. Queens Museum, Queens, New York by Richard F. Welch - 192 / Harry W. Havemeyer. Fire Island’s Surf Hotel and other Hostelries on Fire Island’s Beaches in the Nineteenth-Century by Marsha Hamilton - 194 / Stephen L. Meyers. Lost Trolleys of Queens and Long Island. David Keller and Steven Lynch. Revisiting the Long Island Rail Road, 1925-1975 by Donald E. Simon - 196 / Joshua Stoff. Long Island Airports by Charles F. Howlett - 199 / Terry Wallace. Caroline M. Bell (1874-1970) and the Peconic Bay Impressionists by Natalie A. Naylor - 201 / Robert G. Müller, Long Island’s Lighthouses, Past and Present by Natalie A. Naylor - 203 / Three Village Historical Society. The Setaukets, Old Field, and Poquott by Charles F. Howlett - 206 / William J. Switala. Underground Railroad in New York and New Jersey by Floris Barnett Cash - 208 / Raymond E. and Judith A. Spinzia. Long Island’s Prominent North Shore Families: Their Estates and Their Country Homes by Myrna Sloam - 210 / Mary Cummings. Hurricane in the Hamptons, 1938 by Ann H. Sandford - 212 / Alexander Rose. Washington’s Spies: The Story of America’s First Spy Ring by Richard F. Welch - 214 / Pascal James Imperato. Tudor Village, The History of a Unique Community in Queens County by Donald E. Simon - 218 / James Driscoll. Flushing: 1880-1935 by Jeffrey A. Kroessler - 220 / Toby Selda. Simply “Father”: Life with Theodore Roosevelt as Seen Through the Eyes of His Children by Natalie A. Naylor - 222 / BOOK NOTES: prepared by Kristen J. Nyitray - 224 / IN MEMORIAM: David A. Overton (1925-2005) by Barbara M. Russell, for the Editors - 229
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