SUNY CPD Catalog of Offerings and Events

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The descriptions in these programs and events may include course outlines, agendas, presenter bio's. Some course outlines and descriptions are as prepared and taken from the vendor's course catalog.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 30
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    Flash Essentials for CS3
    (2008-09-02T18:05:21Z) unknown
    Hands-on practical approach to efficient learning of Flash CS3 to create web presentations, banners and websites
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    Faculty Peer Mentoring
    (2008-09-02T17:48:05Z) unknown
    See education as a key set of processes and understand how the key processes of learning (using different learning theories), teaching (facilitation of learning), mentoring (facilitation of growth), curriculum design, and assessment all integrate into producing quality faculty, staff, and student growth and development outcomes through a productive learning and growth environment.
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    Designing Websites for Mobile Devices
    (2008-04-28T15:00:31Z) various
    This two-day class will give you the practical knowledge to effectively plan, crate and deliver websites for mobile devices, such as phones, PDA's, Blackberry's, etc. Combining the power of XHTML and CSS, we will crate a simple, accessible mobile site.
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    SUNY Spring 2008 Teaching & Learning Day: Teaching Well and Course Design
    (2008-04-28T14:45:47Z) various
    Dr. Dee Fink, National Project Director, Teaching & Curriculum Assessment Project leads this one-day workshop that explores WHAT we teach, HOW we teach, How we GEAR UP as teachers, and WHO we are as educators.
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    Strategic Planning Institute
    (2008-04-28T14:26:16Z) various
    Strategic planning is a process that initiates and sustains the change necessary for building capacity and improving performance.