Fredonia History Podcast

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    Normal School Clock and Bell System - 1937
    (SUNY Fredonia, 2022-12) Ferris, Dillon
    Installed in the building in 1937, this clock was one of many secondary clocks installed throughout the building, controlled by a master clock in the main office, and provides insight into the changing education landscape in the twentieth century by allowing us to better understand the development of the Carnegie Unit and how this influenced the creation of the modern college credit system.
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    Fredonia State Normal School Catalog - 1937
    (SUNY Fredonia, 2022-12) Peterman, Zackary
    The State Normal School: Fredonia, NY catalog was published and created by New York State in 1937 and acted as a basic information source for potential future students. While the catalog focuses on informing the reader about what the school distributes in terms of admission, social life, sports, and expenses, it also contains an introduction that provides a more philosophical description of what the school’s curriculum has to offer. This allows us to be able to read through and see how the profession of education was viewed and displayed in the 1930s.
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    Commencement Bells - Class of 1900 Yearbook
    (SUNY Fredonia, 2022-12) Peterman, Zackary
    While not always existing to commemorate the traditional American school events that have become more and more popular within recent years, yearbooks have been an integral part of the history of education since their inception at the end of the nineteenth century. Viewing yearbooks from years far into the past can reveal immense amounts of information about the school that created them and the lives of the students and teachers photographed within.
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    Normal School Commencement Dresses (1897 & 1913)
    (SUNY Fredonia, 2022-12) Brooks, Kaili
    These two samples of women's graduation attire at the turn of the century reveal fascinating aspects of the lives of rural women, and the differences between them provide us with physical evidence of how their lifestyles and social status began to change in the 16 years between each of their graduation ceremonies.
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    Irene Romaine's Scrapbook
    (SUNY Fredonia, 2022-12) Brooks, Kaili
    Irene Romaine’s scrapbook is a collection of memorabilia and diary-like entries that reveal details about the life of a woman on the Fredonia Normal School campus. Irene composed this scrapbook throughout her junior and senior years at Fredonia, spanning the years 1908-1910.